
Archive for the ‘Radio’ Category

Luft (Air)

In Radio on October 23, 2008 at 11:29 am

‘Luft (Air)’ was a project I completed in First Year for my subject Broadcast Media. We had to create a small documentary radio piece on some sort of theme. We chose to focus on my grandmother, Ivy Lathlean, and her fantastic tale of her partner Jack who was one of the men actually involved in real life in the famous story ‘The Great Escape’.

*Please note that the following version of Luft (Air) is an edited version to avoid any copyright breaches due to music. For access to the full version, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Luft (Air) (2006-Solid State-3min27sec (edited version) 5min04sec (original version)) – Producer/Editor

‘Young love, war, and letters from the inside. Hear Ivy’s entralling story about a love lost and the horrors and hardships of living through the second world war…and ‘escape’ with a bit of ‘gardening’.’

To listen to the edited version of ‘Luft (Air)’ click here.